World’s Biggest Dog And Its Care Guide
Dogs genetically have various sizes and the growth mostly depends on the breed. There are multiple breeds known to be included as one of the biggest dogs ever. People often assume that the bigger the dog, the more aggressive it will be. But, this is not accurate. While the dog breed history goes back to wolves, today, they are harmless even as giants. The tallest and heaviest dog is also as friendly and harmless as any other dog. They will only be aggressive or dangerous in defense of harsh treatment or if they sense danger from you.

Who is the world’s biggest dog?
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As of the 2016’s Guinness World Record verification, Great Dane (World’s biggest dog), belonging to the English Mastiffs breed, was the tallest dog who passed away in January this year.
Other biggest dog breeds:
(Freddy) The Great Dane:
The Great Dane breed is known to be one of the tallest in dogs as Great Dane holds a record for that. Dane’s height was 7ft 5.5 inch. Freddy’s owner has spoken of him as a calm and friendly giant. She said that she had no idea he would grow to be this tall when she adopted him.
English Mastiff:
They’re the heaviest dog breed and weigh about 200-250 pounds. Despite their weight, they were very much active earlier. They are very calm and friendly and make very loyal house members.
Neapolitan Mastiff:
The Neapolitan mastiff was used for guarding purposes in the past. They are tall up to 30 inches and weigh about 150-180 pounds.
Scottish Deerhound:
They were mostly used for hunting earlier as they have a fast speed in chasing the prey. They usually stand around 30-32 inches tall and weigh 100-110 pounds.
Irish Wolfhound:
Like the Scottish deerhound, the Irish wolfhound was also used for hunting earlier, mostly to chase wolves but today, their evolved breed is not too fast and is rather calm.
Do the world’s biggest dogs require special care?
People assume that the biggest dog in the world will require the biggest effort in care too. But, you don’t usually need any extra or special consideration for giant dog breeds but there is one thing they will need for sure; space. Because of their large/tall size, they need a lot of space to be comfortable, play around, lay down, etc. So, if you restrict them to a small place, they will not be satisfied and won’t be too happy.
There are some things you must take care of for your giant dog:
Take them for routine walks every day. The bigger the size, the more they will get tired indoors. So take them out for about 30 minutes every day, take a walk and let them be around other dogs. This will make them refreshed and happy. They will go back home feeling good and won’t want to escape if they follow the trusted routine of going out with their owner every day. It will soon become a part of their lifestyle.
Exercise is also very beneficial for your giant dog because they are huge, they will get lazy laying around all day. You must add a short time for exercise every day, keep it mild and not too harsh. This will make them active and refreshed. Remember, do not start an exercise routine until 2 as it is not required and can be harmless for puppies.
Bathing can be a difficult task for a giant dog. You will not only be tired but exhausted too. Take the help of a friend if needed but do not neglect their hygiene needs. They must be given regular baths and brush their hair before bathing so that they’re perfectly detangled for shampoo. You will need to use a proper dog shampoo if required. A tub might not be sufficient for a giant dog so you might need free space for bathing them.
Keep nail clippers for their nail cutting. Just like their giant body, their nails are big and sharp too. So, you will need special clippers to trim your nails. Make sure not to hurt them while cutting and if you do not have the experience, you can get it done from the nearest vet clinic.
What to feed to large-sized dogs?
It is wrong to assume that the bigger the dog, the more food they need to be fed. It is not true that the biggest dogs in the world are unaffordable. All dogs only require a balanced diet with essential nutrients to fulfill their hunger and body requirements to stay healthy. You do not need to overfeed a giant dog. It would be best if you designed a balanced diet according to their breed and age. A more protein-based and less fat-containing diet is best for them. You can discuss their diet routine with their vet and make sure to keep enough water around them at all times.
Life expectancy:
It is sad but true that the bigger the dog, the lesser the life span. Your giant companion is expected to pass away sooner than the small ones. They have a life expectancy of about 7-8 years. So, if you plan on adopting a giant dog, be ready to let them go soon.
In conclusion, you must educate yourself about the breed before adopting any giant dog. And, there is no need to be terrified of them as they’re just as friendly and harmless as any small dog. But, if you do not know how to train a giant dog and build a relationship of trust, they might end up being aggressive and hurting you in defense of feeling unsafe.
You must also pay regular visits to the vet to make sure your dog is doing well and their bones are not getting weak as this has been observed as a common health issue in giant dogs, which mostly develops with age. You might also need to compromise as you cannot keep sharp and risky furniture in the house which might hurt them or get broken. Remember that your dog is your responsibility once you have adopted them and they have rights that must be fulfilled. You don’t want a special giant dog in the house who remains unhappy.