Can you treat your dog with an Avocado?
Did you think only humans could have a preference for food? Well, you might have been wrong. Most people think dogs are happy as long as they are fed on time, which is partly true but they also can get tired of one kind of diet all the time. It mostly depends on your dog. If they’re picky, be ready for some adorable tantrums.
Although dogs cannot verbally express what they like to eat or not, they prefer to express themselves through their actions. You will often notice that dogs suddenly stop eating like regular and no matter how much one tries, they smell the food and decide not to eat it (there can also be various other reasons for this). While there may not be anything wrong with the food, they might not like it anymore.
This is why it is important to provide them with a treat once in a while, which should be strictly researched whether it will work for them or not before feeding them.

Dogs’ likes in food:
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Dogs are carnivores, as we know and often have been observed to like meat or other forms of protein, including chicken (boiled), salmon, raw bones, bacon and eggs. They also like carrots, pumpkin, cheese, peanut butter, etc.
Can dogs eat avocados?
Dog owners often ask if their dogs can have avocado. When it comes to feeding avocado to your dog, there has been a long debate on the topic of whether it is okay to give an avocado as a treat to your dog. The truth is, it is risky and dangerous.
Side effects of avocado for your dog’s diet:
Avocados contain persin, which is a toxin and can be a problem for your dog’s health. Feeding an avocado to your dog can cause vomiting and diarrhoea. It is also true that while other animals cannot take avocado well, dogs are comparatively a bit resistant to fungicidal toxins, but that does not mean avocado is completely safe for your dog.
The most poisonous toxin is present in the leaves, pit and the outer layer of an avocado, but portions of it are also present inside. It is unknown how much toxin is present inside an avocado but a large amount of the toxin can cause damage. However, a very small amount is pretty harmless.
What you should never feed your dog:
Dogs mostly decide whether they like something or not based on its smell, but as for you to decide as their owner, listed below are some food items that you should never feed your dog:
- Alcohol
- Garlic
- Milk
- Grapes
- Onions
- Tea
- Avocado (never in large quantity)
- Chocolate (cocoa)
Is there a need to panic if your dog has eaten an avocado?
We know that dogs have a habit of moving around in the house and finding themselves some food. They habitually sniff their mouths around places and often end up eating or biting onto stuff they’re not supposed to.
If your dog has accidentally eaten an avocado or any other toxic food for their health, there is no need to panic right away. If you panic, you will scare your pet as well and you won’t be able to take a right next step or think wisely.
Firstly, you need to call a veterinarian right away and inform them of the situation. It will be great to figure out how much of the toxic waste has been consumed by your dog. This will help figure out if there is a need for an emergency. In some cases, dogs have a strong immune system and they do not react much or at all, but in most cases, vomiting or even diarrhoea can occur.
The best is to talk to your veteran right away and follow their instructions. If they ask you to bring the dog to the clinic right away for an emergency examination, you must.
How to manage your dogs’ healthy diet and please them at the same time?
Most dogs are okay with whatever you are feeding them. It is your responsibility as their owner to make sure that they are eating healthy food, making sure to provide them with all the required nutrition in balanced proportions. Some people, unknowingly, cause obesity in their dogs by feeding them extra and more than they require. This may sound like a form of love to you, but is it?
Dogs need to be treated just like your babies, who do not know their good and bad and might try eating whatever they can grab. But, will you let them? In the same way, you need to be cautious of their diet.
In some cases, a very little portion of avocado has not proved to be dangerous for the dog as a large amount of the toxin causes a reaction.

How can I treat my dog?
If you want to treat your dog, there are countless options available. Safe fruits (toxin-free) can also be used as a treat but in small amounts, such as bananas, blueberries, pineapple, strawberries and watermelon. Before you treat your dog with fruit, make sure to remove the seeds, pit and leaves. Small quantities of fruits are preferred.
There are various other options, including vegetables i.e., kale, green beans, carrots, cucumber, celery etc. Other options include cheese balls and healthy commercial treats in less quantity.
In conclusion, it would be highly sensible of you to avoid an avocado in your dog’s diet because it may or may not be dangerous for their health. Anything that tends to be dangerous for their health, why feed it to your dog? If you provide your dog with a balanced nutrition diet regularly with healthy treats, your dog won’t look for avocado for sure!
Is very important to understand and educate yourself about your dog’s diet and consult a vet. Do not overfeed your dog as that is unhealthy for them and causes laziness in the long run. The type and amount of food that is best for your dog depend on its age, size and breed, so design their diet accordingly.